About Us

Thailand’s used car export company. We are specialized in export of used commercial trucks, pickup Toyota REVO (Toyota hilux),  vans and minibus from Thailand. We do not just supply used Hilux for sale, but also our service including 100% outgoing inspection of your selected used cars and export car accessories and car parts. We can supply cars with such car modifications and conversions as being van car with VIP seats and lighted roofing with audio seats, We have many cars on our stock including commercial trucks such as Toyota Hilux Vigo, Hilux champ, Toyota Fortuner.

For  more detail call 0808066007-08-09 , +66958484842, +66843443444 (viber and Whatsapp).

Line id vigobangkok

Thailand +66 808066007
Thailand +66 958484842
Kenya +254 714344360 Mr Mohamed

toyota used hilux 4wd mombasa

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